1. Excuse me. / ex-kyooz mi /: 对不起,打扰一下
2. Where's the bathroom? / hwairz thuh bath-room /: 厕所在哪里?
3. Let me think. / let mi thingk /: 让我想想
4. Good idea! / good ai-dee-uh /: 好主意!
5. I'm hungry. / aim hung-gree /: 我饿了
6. How's it going? / howz it goh-ing /: 最近怎么样?
7. Not bad. / not bad /: 还不错
8. What's up? / whuts uh-p /: 有什么事吗?
9. No way. / no way /: 不可能
10. I don't know. / ai dohnt noh /: 我不知道
11. It's up to you. / its uh-p too yoo /: 由你决定
12. How do you spell it? / how doo yoo spell it /: 怎么拼写它?
13. Nice to meet you. / neiss too meet yoo /: 很高兴认识你
14. What do you do? / whut doo yoo doo /: 你是做什么的?
15. I'm sorry. / aim sah-ree /: 对不起
16. No problem. / noh prohblem /: 没问题
17. That's right. / thats rite /: 正确
18. That's OK. / thats oh-kay /: 没关系
19. Bless you! / bless yoo /: 祝福你!
20. Oh my God! / oh my god /: 天啊!
21. Long time no see. / long tiem no see /: 好久不见了
22. Have a good day! / hav uh good day /: 祝你一天愉快
23. Take care. / teik keir /: 保重
24. See you later. / see yoo leit-er /: 后会有期
25. Good luck! / good luk /: 祝你好运
26. What's the matter? / whuts thuh matter /: 怎么了?
27. It's none of my business. / its nun uhv mai biz-nis /: 这不关我的事
28. I see. / ai see /: 我明白了
29. That's interesting. / thats in-tu-rest-ing /: 太有趣了
30. I love you. / ai luhv yoo /: 我爱你